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Includes support for Windows with PS5

Installs oracle java 7-8 controlled by java_version variable

java is installed using rpm or oracle-java8-installer on debian or by downloading tar.gz distribution.
On Windows systems, java is installed with PowerShell 5 and help of Chocolate provisioner.

Important update for oracle 7 on ubuntu, May 2017:
Oracle no longer provides public downloads, thus oracle-java7-installer no longer able to download distrubution.
As a workaround, role will install oracle java 7 from source using some trusted by you mirror with files.

Please make sure, you trust mirror configured as alternative_java_6_7_mirror, also advise is to use your own mirror.

to make sure, you understand your responsibility, you need specifically set true to option_accept_non_oracle_mirror

# validate checksum against known to role one
option_validate_checksum: false

# preferred mirror, if java download is not available
alternative_java_6_7_mirror: ""

#settings for installation from sources
java_download_folder: /usr/src
java_folder: /usr/lib/jvm
java_alias: "java-{{ java_version }}-oracle"

  "jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz": "sha256:bad9a731639655118740bee119139c1ed019737ec802a630dd7ad7aab4309623"

Usage example:

     - {
         role: "sa-java",
         java_version: 7

Windows support

For windows support we expect, that box is prepared for provisioning with ansible (best used with role ,
but if you configured the same setup manually will work too )

For windows systems there is only one parameter supported: java_version

Example of the typical windows play:

  - root_dir: ..

  - ansible_connection: winrm
  - ansible_ssh_port: 5986
  - ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
  - ansible_winrm_transport: ssl

  - debug: msg="Pre tasks section"

  - name: gather facts

   - {
       role: "sa-java",
       java_version: 8


List available java installations

sudo update-java-alternatives --list

Switch default java

sudo update-java-alternatives --set [JDK/JRE name e.g. java-8-oracle]

Magic oneliners to export JAVA_HOME

export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::")


export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:jre/bin/java::")

If you want to use different JDKs/JREs for each Java task, you can run update-alternatives to configure one java executable at a time; you can run

sudo update-alternatives --config java[Tab]
to see the Java commands that can be configured (java, javac, javah, javaws, etc). And then

sudo update-alternatives --config [javac|java|javadoc|etc.]

Usage with ansible galaxy workflow

If you installed the sa-java role using the command

ansible-galaxy install

the role will be available in the folder library/sa-java

Please adjust the path accordingly.

     - {
         role: ""

Copyright and license

Code is dual licensed under the [BSD 3 clause] ( and the [MIT License] ( Choose the one that suits you best.

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