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Simple usage for node:

     - {
         role: "sa-munin"

Simple usage for master:

     - {
         role: "sa-munin",
         munin_mode: master

Exposing munin via nginx:

location /munin/static/ {
        alias /etc/munin/static/;
        expires modified +1w;

location /munin/ {
        auth_basic            "Restricted";
        # Create the htpasswd file with the htpasswd tool.
        auth_basic_user_file  /etc/nginx/htpasswd;

        alias /var/cache/munin/www/;
        expires modified +310s;

After install you can get suggestions, what other plugins you can use on your host:

/etc/munin$ sudo munin-node-configure --suggest
Plugin                     | Used | Suggestions
------                     | ---- | -----------
acpi                       | no   | no [cannot read /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/temperature]
amavis                     | no   | no
apache_accesses            | no   | no [LWP::UserAgent not found]
apache_processes           | no   | no [LWP::UserAgent not found]
apache_volume              | no   | no [LWP::UserAgent not found]
apc_envunit_               | no   | no [no units to monitor]
bonding_err_               | no   | no [No /proc/net/bonding]
courier_mta_mailqueue      | no   | no [spooldir not found]
courier_mta_mailstats      | no   | no [could not find executable]
courier_mta_mailvolume     | no   | no [could not find executable]
cps_                       | no   | no
cpu                        | yes  | yes

Mail notifications mail -s "Munin-notification for ${var:group}::${var:host}" root@localhost contact.log.command tee -a /var/log/munin/alert.log

Forcing email to be sent for check su - munin --shell=/bin/bash -c "/usr/share/munin/munin-limits --contact email --force"

Troubleshouting queues:

purge queue: postsuper -d ALL

purge deferred queue: postsuper -d ALL deferred

view queue mailq

when configure with postfix, remember, that on debian systems , the default sender's domain used is specified by /etc/mailname. AFAIK this is a Debian specific modification to postfix.

combining with other roles

I recommend adding conf.d dir both, for master and node configs. This will allow to template with ansible independent parts of configuration in the separate files, and don't be scared, that fuzzy regexp's will ruin master config file.

includedir /etc/munin/munin-conf.d

If you need to do it in the middle of the roles play, you can use include role. See example of such role here:

Usage with ansible galaxy workflow

If you installed the sa-munin role using the command

ansible-galaxy install

the role will be available in the folder library/ Please adjust the path accordingly.

     - {
         role: ""

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Code licensed under the [BSD 3 clause] ( or the [MIT License] (

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